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EUFORMAG è stata pensata anche come uno strumento utile per divulgare risultati di progetti europei inerenti al settore forestale. In questa sezione si riportano i progetti che hanno ufficialmente coinvolto EUFORMAG e, nell’area riservata ai partner della rete, le cartelle stampa dei singoli articoli nonché le modalità di finanziamento previste.

L’invito è di utilizzare la rete EUFORMAG all’interno di progetti europei di vario genere (LIFE, Interreg ecc.) per divulgarne i risultati.


SelPiBioLife - Innovative silvicultural treatments to enhance soil biodiversity in artificial black pine stands

SelPiBioLife - Innovative silvicultural treatments to enhance soil biodiversity in artificial black pine stands (LIFE13 BIO/IT/000282)

SelpiBioLife is a project under the category Biodiversity (LIFE13 BIO/IT/000282), for innovative or demonstration projects that consider biodiversity issues within the LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity strand. The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the positive effects of an innovative silvicultural treatment on black pine forests. The specific innovative treatment applied in the stands improves growth rates and stands stability and enhance the level of biodiversity of the various soil components (flora, fungi, bacteria, mesofauna, nematods and microarthropods).

To promote the spread of these innovative treatments, demonstration areas have been set up in two Tuscan forests: in the Amiata (province of Siena) and in Pratomagno (province of Arezzo). In these sites various activities have been organized for dissemination and training purposes. The project also involved the construction of two "marteloscopes", areas specifically dedicated to the training of forestry professionals and students. In addition to this, various types of dissemination materials have been created, such as a technical manual and some videos, all available on the project website

The Project has also included the dissemination of content in the EUFORMAG network.
Here are the 3 articles available in the original version in Italian and in the English version available for network partners.


01-Selective thinning in artificial black pine plantations-Sherwood224-Info

Selective thinning in artificial black pine plantations


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


02-SelPiBioLife for black pine - Sherwood225

SelPiBioLife for black pine stands.

A silvicultural strategy for artificial pine stands established for different purposes


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


03-The economic potential of mushrooms in an artificial Pinus nigra forest-Sherwood231

The economic potential of mushrooms in an artificial Pinus nigra forest


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.






LIFE+ InBioWood - Increase Biodiversity through Wood Production

LIFE+ InBioWood - Increase Biodiversity through Wood Production (LIFE12 ENV/IT/000153)

InBioWood - Increase Biodiversity through Wood Production è un progetto di 5 anni iniziato nel 2013, il cui obiettivo è stato quello di realizzare e promuovere Piantagioni Policicliche Potenzialmente Permanenti (3P). Si tratta di una tipologia di impianti che assomma benefici ambientali simili a quelli di un bosco con i vantaggi produttivi delle piantagioni artificiali. Per promuovere la diffusione di questi impianti sono stati realizzati dai partner del progetto aree dimostrative e materiali divulgativi di vario tipo, come ad esempio un manuale tecnico e diversi video, tutti disponibili gratuitamente al sito
È stata prevista anche specificatamente dal progetto la diffusione dei risultati nella rete EUFORMAG.
Di seguito i 5 articoli previsti disponibili nela versione originale in italiano e nel la versione inglese disponibili per i partner della rete.




Web application to design 3P Tree Farms


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.



I-2014 and Permanent Polycyclic Tree farms

Relationships among diameter, productive area per plant and rotation cycle length


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.



Tree farming and biodiversity

Bird communities as indicators of polycyclic tree farms positive role


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.



Wood biomasses for energy purposes from tree farming

A market survey in Verona province made within the LIFE + InBioWood Project


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.



Request of valuable timber from tree farms

Request Market survey in Verona province


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.




LIFE+ PProSpoT Policy and Protection of Sporadic tree species in Tuscany forests

LIFE+ PProSpoT Policy and Protection of Sporadic tree species in Tuscany forests (LIFE09 ENV /IT/000087)

PProSpoT è un progetto LIFE+  finalizzato ad introdurre in Italia, in particolare in Toscana, la tecnica della selvicoltura d’albero applicata alla gestione e alla conservazione delle specie arboree sporadiche in bosco. La valorizzazione di queste specie è proposta per aumentare la biodiversità, la stabilità ecologica e il valore dei boschi attraverso una tecnica innovativa, integrabile con quelle tradizionali, che può essere facilmente diffusa in altre regioni d’Italia e d’Europa.
Per questo una specifica azione è dedicata proprio alla diffusione dei risultati nella rete EUFORMAG.
L’obiettivo è quello di rendere disponibili almeno 6 articoli relativi ai risultati del Progetto tradotti in inglese e corredati di tutto il materiale iconografico,  disponibili per la traduzione e la pubblicazione nelle varie riviste della Rete. È previsto anche un budget per le traduzioni nelle lingue nazionali da definire nel dettaglio tra Compagnia delle Foreste e le riviste  interessate a pubblicare.


1 PProSpoT Forest planning eng

Tree-oriented silviculture in an oak coppice

Estimation of financial profitability and possible public funding


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


1 PProSpoT Forest planning eng

Financial evaluation of the tree-oriented silviculture

The software for the evaluation of the investments proposed by PProSpot


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


1 PProSpoT Forest planning eng

Tree-oriented silviculture in European beech high forests

Silvicultural practices aimed both at enhancing sporadic species and at managing the dominant species


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


1 PProSpoT Forest planning eng

Forest planning and sporadic species

LIFE+ PProSpoT project: first experience in Italy


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


2 PProSpoT silvicolture in young coppice eng

Tree-oriented silviculture in young coppices

Silvicultural practices to enhance sporadic species: the LIFE+PPRoSpoT project experience


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.


3 PProSpoT martelloscopi eng

Martelloscopi PProSpoT

Virtual tree marking areas for professional training


Press kit

Reserved area for partners.
This material can be used by magazines EUFORMAG to publish an article in their own language.





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