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SilviculturaThe magazine Silvicultura is published by the Forest Ownership Centre (CPF), a public body attached to the Catalan Ministry of Agriculture, in charge of support and extension activities concerning private forests, their sustainable management, and the mobilisation of their resources.

Silvicultura was created in 1993, with the aim to transfer to end-users (forest owners, managers and forestry professionals) information on the most relevant forestry techniques, as well as knowledge on forest products and services, forest planning and policy, sylviculture, and innovative issues. Articles are written either by the CPF staff or external experts, always in closed collaboration with the Catalan forestry research centers and universities as well as with experienced forestry professionals and companies.
Each issue of the Silvicultura magazine presents:
Divulgation articles on specific topics related to:

  1. Forestry and forest management planning;
  2. Forest technology;
  3. Forest and the environment;
  4. New knowledge and Innovation.

Forest news
Specific opinions to a relevant question  
The “CPF answers” column,
New publications released

Silvicultura is published 3 times a year; 5.500 copies are printed, and sent to subscribers mainly in Catalonia, but also in Spain. Its original language is Catalan.

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