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Sherwood - Foreste ed Alberi Oggi PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico

sherwood211"Sherwood - forests and trees today" is a monthly technical and scientific magazine, proposed as a cross-sectoral reference to the italian forest sector - more specifically to the both public and private forest owners, managers and experts.

Sylviculture and forest management, arboriculture, mechanization, wood-energy, forest and environment policy, forest fires and wood market are the main themes covered by Sherwood.

Sherwood is sent each month to 2100 subscribers, with an addition of 24 pages entitled "Tecniko et Pratiko", that brings some practical and non forest trees.

The internet site and an electronic Newsletter, sent every 2 weeks to more than 3000 subscribers, supports Sherwood dissemination activities all over Italy.

Sherwood is published by Compania delle foreste, a private body that, since 1995, deals with communication, innovation and research among the forest and environment sector ( Its main topics of interest and activities are arboriculture, sylviculture, forest fires, wood market, biomass energy. Compania delle foreste implements sectoral studies and projects, coordination of working groups, data collecting and analysis, providing its support to Universities, scientific bodies and local and regional authorities.

Through its internet bookshop (, Compania delle foreste offers both its own books and products, and some others’ publishing products.

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