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Forêts de France PDF Stampa E-mail

Forêts de FranceForêts de France has been created in 1948 by the french private forest owners Union (FNSPFS), that counts 30 000 members owning 2 millions of hectares of forests, i.e 1/5è of the private forest ownership.

So, Forêts de France is the national magazine dedicated to private forests owners and those who are found of forests, and it targets all the key topics that may interest them:

  • answering concrete questions concerning the day to day management of forests (sylviculture, species, tree health, forest works ..)
  • providing relevant elements allowing them to better understand the economical situation of the forest chain, and the wood market  (prices, tendencies, market analysis ..)
  • giving accurate information on the recent legal context and rules (tax policy, environment, sustainable management …)
  • emphasizing some innovative experiences, through their technical and governance aspects
  • opening some windows on artcraft, animals life, information coming from other countries, and all what sharpens curiosity for forests …
  • 8000 copies of Forêts de France are monthly published, and distributed at a national level

Forêts de France is sold through the internet bookshop on the national private forests portail  (25 000 monthly visits)
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