First article co-signed EUFORMAG Stampa

First article co-signed EUFORMAGThe first contribution, born from a joint action between the various EUFORMAG partners, was completed in May 2012.
This article contains the reflections of some regional and national organizations (owners, operators and forest technicians), from 5 European member states, about the Commission's proposals for the new Common Agricultural Policy.


These discussions were summarized through the answers to these questions: What is your general evaluation of the new regulation? What measures are most important? What should be improved?

The original article, titled "The Common Agricultural Policy 2020, an opportunity for European Foresters", is available inside the free area and you can download it (.pdf document) from section "product / original contribution".
Partners, who have access to the private area, can also download a word document that contains text and a high quality image with the location, on a map, and logos of the organizations that have contributed.
Currently this EUFORMAG article was published by Italian magazine Sherwood and French magazine ForĂȘts de France (the articles is available in www.euformag.ue inside the section "products").

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